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Well, all blogs seem to have one of these these days! :)

Are you struggling with things or not sure what to do?

I'm excellent at:
seeing ideas and connections where other people see none or only a few
analyzing your situation and giving suggestions what could be done
giving new ideas
helping with your plotline or storyline

doing the 'turtle' thing (and providing 'negative glasses' or 'what could go wrong' or 'reality perspective' if needed)
helping you see things from different perspectives
'busting' negative beliefs

I love: connecting with interesting new people (yes, you too!!:)
and helping them lead better and happier lives

I am NOT a psychologist or psychiatrist or therapist - but I've learnt a lot from own experience and books and online.
I am NOT an official 'coach' - but I've helped many people live a happier and better life!

I was told that I give excellent advice - so drop me a line and maybe I can help?

Also: I am NOT a doctor or nutricionist - so if you have any significant problems by all means consult experts too!!
I've learnt a lot about healthy living along the way, my dad cured his rheumatism with nutrition and healthy lifestyle, so I'm fully convinced of the values of those.

I have experience in education, tourism, for-profits, non-profits and freelance writing.
I have done community networking and volunteering.

I've lived on my own, with and without roommates and flatmates, with parents and grandparent.

I've learnt to make friends and talk to people (yup, even strangers! shocking, I know!:) after being a very shy teen.

I've done some acting and singing, performing on stage, and even did some public speaking. And I can give you tips for doing all that too.

So if you are contemplating any of these, or struggling with any specific problems, you can get first-hand advice (and 2nd hand advice, cause I've read a lot about these things too:)

This is not a 'Lifestyle Design' site that wants you to start a website and make money with it and go to Bali (and just sell you products for that), I know this is not the right solution for everyone.
For me, Lifestyle Design is designing a life you actually want and are happy living, even if it means something completely odd or 'normal'!!

I'm still learning, but I've done things I'd never dreamt of before!
And I can help you create a meaningful and FUN life too!

I only work with people that I believe in and actually feel I can help, if we're not a match, there are tons of other places online and offline where you can get information and help! (Just do some research!)

How this works? Via e-mail and you can pay me via PayPal or maybe we can trade (if I really like what you do and want it!:) Or if I really believe in your cause/what you do and I have time hmm, maybe we can work something out... :)