torek, 19. april 2011

New Blog, New Life, New Summer - umm, Spring!

I know this is kinda sudden, but I just HAD to create another blog.

Like I didn't have enough of them already. Ha!

(Most of them lie around half-empty and half-forgotten, while I have big plans for them: to buy proper domain names & such!!)

I've been afraid to monetize my eco blogger blog, although Blogger wants me to do so! It keeps offering me Amazon Affiliates, AdSense and other stuff to perk it up!!

But how can I call myself a true eco blogger if I monetize it that way, hm?

True, I actually signed up on Amazon Affilaites - a while ago already (and not completely sure if I'm loving the 'not-so-very-random' nickname I got myself there, it would probably work with the eco blog but look very strange elsewhere.. So I don't know whether to get a new affiliate account/name, or can you just get a new additional 'nickname' with the same account - and where the HECK is my password?? Huh?!)

Yes, it's THAT bad!!

I've never been Organization Queen or Miss Organized, but since I got hooked online (about 10 years ago) it's only gotten progressively worse.

Apparently more than 5 hours computer time a day can cause depression, insomnia, and other lovely stuff: anxiety was mentioned, being "reluctant to get up for work in the mornings", sleeping problems and not "getting along" with colleagues well.

"Previous studies have focused on how too much screen time can cause physical afflictions, such as headaches, eye strain, and backache." (I can vouch for backache and neckache myself, especially if you have a bad writing desk/computer table!! I still need to get a better one!!)

Read more in the Daily Mail - I thought there was a reference to poor memory/concentration problems in there too, but apparently I came across that somewhere else? (Or just considered it due to my, uhm, memory and concentration problems. There are other people asking about it though.)

There's an article about Too Much Computer and Screen Time Leading to Poor Concentration on Ezine articles, not sure how reliable it is, if you're interested in this, double-check on your own if needed!!

Also, the internetz aren't very eco, are they?

Knowing all this, and having had a problem with internet addiction in the past, how wise is it to try to make money from the interwebs? (I don't dare to go to Twitter or Facebook anymore much, huh!!) Aren't they essential for social networking and getting your message out there?

Wouldn't it be more sane to just, uhm, earn money in RL? Doing something non-computer related? Or a combination of RL & online? But what?

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